05 March 2007

Two Out of Three R's Isn't Bad for a Monday

Susan McDonald hosts the ninety-eighth edition of Blawg Review at her Legal Research and Writing blog. Highlights abound. No. 98 links to studies of billboard aesthetics, success rates for pro se felony defendants, and fact reporting by judges. One linked post explains how prostitution is like real estate in that it's about three things -- location, location, and location; another post discusses the punctuation implications of the State of Arkansas legislatively-mandating the silent final 's' pronunciation of its name; yet another discusses the proper use of semicolons (ah, if only I'd read that before starting this sentence).

Next week's host will be Matt Barr of the Begging to Differ blog. Sure, it's a great source of legal news and commentary, but even if the BTD folks never wrote another word concerning the law, I'd still religiously check out the blog every Thursday morning for its irreplaceable analysis of the previous night's episode of Lost. Over the next week, we can be certain of two (and perhaps only two) things: 1) this Wednesday, the producers of Lost will reveal next-to-nothing about any of the underlying mysteries on the program; and 2) next Monday, you'll be lost if you miss Blawg Review No. 99 at Begging to Differ.

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