14 October 2005

TGIS: Thank God It's Schadenfreude! (35)

This week's joy in the misfortune of others comes courtesy of Reuters (from Wednesday, October 12; link good at time of posting):
A Chinese man who raised bears to tap them for their bile, prized as a traditional medicine in Asia, has been killed and eaten by his animals, Xinhua news agency said Tuesday.

Six black bears attacked keeper Han Shigen as he was cleaning their pen in the northeastern province of Jilin on Monday, Xinhua said.

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In practices decried by animal rights groups, bile is extracted through surgically implanted catheters in the bear's gall bladders, or by a "free-dripping" technique by which bile drips out through holes opened in the animals' abdomens.

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Bear farming was far more widespread before the cruelty involved came to light and Beijing introduced regulations to control the industry in 1993.

[Previous TGIS]

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